Deep Griha Academy is an English-medium school located in the rural outskirts of Pune. Designed to be self-sustainable yet open to all children from the rural community, the school charges a fee for admissions, while also reserving a portion of admissions for students whose financial circumstances would otherwise provide a barrier to entry. To learn more about Deep Griha Academy, click here.


Literacy Classes are offered to help combat the widespread problem of illiteracy in slum communities. In addition to formal classes, educational materials and field trips are also provided to class participants.

Tutoring Classes are offered to boost the academic progress of school-going children who come from poor families or who have special educational needs.


Creative English Classes help younger children develop their creativity and English skills through artistic activities that incorporate the practice of English writing and speaking.

The IT School is a joint initiative between Deep Griha and corporate partner Tech Mahindra. Open to young men and women ages 18-30, the IT school offers intensive 3-month courses that provide young people from the slums with the skills they need to enter Pune's growing IT industry.


Short Course Programs offer 2-3 day seminars and brief courses covering topics such as sex education and family planning, health and hygiene, HIV/AIDS, women's status and rights, and skills training. With a special focus on girls who might otherwise receive no education, the programs aim to provide young adults with knowledge of their rights and the confidence to exercise them.

The Youth Activity Center offers a safe place for young people ages 14 to 25 to gather for after-school activities and recreation. The center also provides help with homework, English language classes, skill development, and counseling on topics of concern to young people such as sex, drug abuse, and domestic violence.
